The well-known cricketer Virendra Sehwag suddenly comes into the news headlines after sharing a tweet on Wednesday. It was shocking for all the People. Surprisingly the tweet on Twitter was all about a fraud done by a person who is not picking the call right now. Yes, we are talking about Pritam Dauskar who suddenly gets in the news headlines after this incident. Now people want to know that who is the personality and what is the actual Metro behind this tweet. Also, read Anand Subramanian NSE Wikipedia & Net Worth
Virender Sehwag Fraud Tweet
If you want to know the complete detail then firstly we recommend you to read this Twitter post which is available here. After reading this Twitter post you will get some information about this matter. This available Twitter post has been shared by the cricketer Virender Sehwag on Wednesday.
Pritam Deuskar,who is SEBI Registered & runs an advisory Wealthy Via,as part of a syndicated network, has duped several innocent retail investors & stopped answering calls of investors. If he doesn’t compensate cheated investors, necessary legal action will follow.
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) February 23, 2022
Pritam Deuskar Wiki
Now the biggest question arises who is Pritam Dauskar and what he has done with Virendra Sehwag. So let’s start to know about him and his Wiki. It will help you to know about some very important information that can be related to the case. Pritam Dauskar is the fund manager at Bonanza portfolio Limited.
It is looking like he did something wrong and now it is the reason that he is not picking the call from anyone. The complete information about this case is yet to be disclosed. When the complete story of this case comes to our knowledge, we will add it here soon. Until any strong confirmation, we can’t share any sensitive information that can harm the current situation.
But it is a strong possibility that there is something big behind this tweet by Virendra Sehwag. We are saying this because he is a well-known cricket personality and never ever came in the metal like this before. If you have some related details or any updates then you can share via the comment section.