Tamil Nadu Coke And Power has filed DRHP. The share might become available on the National Stock Exchange soon. The company will channel the money raised into different departments. The majority of the amount is planned to be invested in Mega Volt Amps. We will share details about IPO details below. The company deals with electricity supply through the Indian Energy Exchange. The plants are set up in Tamil Nadu. They are the top producer in the state. Let us explore Tamil Nadu Coke & Power DHRP and profits in detail.
Tamil Nadu Coke IPO Date, Price Band, OFS, Fresh Issue And DRHP Details
Tamil Nadu Coke & Power has filled DHRP. The company announced the filling of Red Herring Prospectus on Wednesday. There will be around 64,14,000 equity shares with a face value of Rs. 10. The funds have complete planning for their utilization. Around Rs. 39.60 crores will be spent on the Mega Volt Amps Ferrosilicon Plant. It will be producing around 8000 TPA of Ferrosilicon. They have also planned to establish a new solar power plant.
If we talk about the company’s revenue last year, revenue surged high to Rs. 51.60 crores. It’s around 46.11 crores more. The investors are eagerly looking for more details about the IPO. However, the company has not revealed many details about its IPO. They have just filled the DRHP. They will get the IPO details after three months for the verification or less. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 25 Crores, and its paid-up capital is 17.3 Crores. Tamil Nadu Coke & Power was incorporated on 27th February 2017.
The people who know the company are eager for its IPO. The believers mention that the company is growing and has the potential for further growth. Tamil Nadu Coke & Power Private Limited will have Rs. 17.3 Crores as paid-up capital. Apart from that, it will have Rs. 25 Crores as authorized share capital. It will be listed on NSE.
The expected month for the IPO will be March’s beginning. TNCPL IPO’s details will show on websites like Businesspatrika.com. You can visit the website near the IPO release date. Many investors are looking forward to having the IPO on their list. However, there are several things to keep in mind before the purchase of the IPO. The most important thing is the balance sheet and the profits. We hope you get enough details about Tamil Nadu Coke & Power Limited DRHP.